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Recognize the Benefits of Circumcision and Conditions to Watch Out for

Circumcision is a surgical removal of the skin that covers the tip of the penis (foreskin). This procedure is common in boys, especially boys in countries where the majority of the population is Muslim or Jewish. In addition to carrying out religious orders, circumcision also has many advantages in terms of health. One of them is to keep the penis clean. Check out the explanation below to find out the other benefits of circumcision.

Benefits of Circumcision

Although not free from risk, circumcision is known to have far greater benefits than the risk. The benefits of circumcision are:

1. It's easier to clean the penis

Between the foreskin with the tip of the penis often attached to the dirt called smegma. Smegma contains mucus, dead skin cells, and bacteria that can cause inflammation and increase the risk of penile cancer. After being circumcised, the penis will automatically be easier to clean.

2. Prevent urinary tract infections

Although it is more common in women, urinary tract infections can also occur in men. Severe urinary tract infections, especially in children, can cause kidney problems later in life. This urinary tract infection will be more common in uncircumcised men.

3. Prevent sexually transmitted diseases

According to research, uncircumcised men are more at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV and HPV. HPV is an infection associated with penile cancer and cervical cancer. Even so, it should be remembered that the best way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases is safe sexual behavior, which is not changing sexual partners and using condoms when having sex.

4. Prevents disorders of the foreskin of the penis

There are several problems that can occur in the foreskin of the penis, namely the foreskin of the penis that cannot be pulled back (phimosis) or can be withdrawn but cannot be returned (parafimosis). Both of these disorders can cause inflammation of the foreskin or the tip of the penis. Circumcision is known to reduce the risk of these abnormalities.

5. Reducing the risk of penile cancer

As previously said, men who are infected with HPV are at risk for penile cancer. By preventing HPV, the risk of developing penile cancer will also be reduced. According to research, penile cancer is less common in men who have been circumcised than in men who are not circumcised. In addition, women whose sexual partners are circumcised are also known to have less cervical cancer. , the main way to prevent cervical cancer is to undergo HPV vaccination. Although it brings a number of benefits, the decision to circumcise is returned to each person's choice. There are no specific recommendations regarding the right time to circumcise. However, circumcision is necessary if you or your child experience the following conditions:
  • Phimosis
  • Paraphimosis
  • Repeated infections of the foreskin and infections of the penis (balanoposthitis)

Conditions to Look Out for Before Circumcision

If done according to the procedure and given good care afterward, circumcision rarely causes complications. Minor bleeding, the penis is swollen, and yellowish sores appear around the penis which are normal after circumcision. You don't need to worry because this is not a dangerous thing. Although it has been done according to the procedure, complications can still arise, including infection of the surgical wound and bleeding. In view of these risks, circumcision is not recommended for:
  • People with blood clotting disorders
  • People with urethral abnormalities (hypospadias)
  • Babies born prematurely
Circumcision is an operation that provides many health benefits. Although relatively safe, circumcision remains at risk of causing complications. To minimize the risk of these complications, make sure circumcision is performed by a doctor or surgeon. After that, do the treatment of circumcision wounds according to doctor's orders.


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