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Recognize Menstrual Blood and Accompanying Diseases

Not just dirty blood that is discharged every month, menstrual blood can also reflect a woman's health condition. In certain conditions, menstrual blood can be a sign of the possibility of disease in your body. Menstrual blood that comes out during menstruation has a color that varies from one cycle to another. Even in the same cycle, menstrual blood can have a different color.

Getting to know menstrual blood further

Not only the amount of menstrual blood, throughout the menstrual cycle, the color and consistency of blood that comes out may change. On the first day of menstruation, menstrual blood that comes out will be quite a lot. Not infrequently, you experience a blood clot discharge with a deep red color or even blackish red. This is actually a natural thing. Blood clots that occur are menstrual blood that does not have enough time to be diluted by the body's natural anticoagulants, which are elements responsible for thinning menstrual blood or preventing blood clots. This condition will generally disappear by itself after a few days. Then at the end of menstruation, changes in menstrual blood color will also be seen. Menstrual blood color at the end of menstruation tends to be blackish red or dark brown. Menstrual blood color is quite reasonable and is a form of blood color that has long been in the body. You do not need to worry too much if this happens, because it is normal.

Be Aware of This Condition!

Although the appearance of blood clots is normal during menstruation, you must be vigilant if menstrual blood clots that come out are quite a lot and in quite a long time, so it must repeatedly replace the pads. Conversely, menstrual blood that is too little or dark in color must also be aware of. The following explanation is further:
  • Menstrual blood is too much

  • The volume of menstrual blood each person is different, but you must be vigilant if menstrual blood that comes out too much or excessive. Because, it could be a sign of menorrhagia. When menorrhagia occurs, sufferers usually have to change pads more often than usual. In less than two hours, menorrhagia sufferers generally have to replace the pads again because too much blood is coming out. Menstrual blood discharge can also be accompanied by a fairly large blood clot. You can also feel easily tired, decreased energy, and constant pain in the lower abdomen. Menorrhagia can be caused by a variety of conditions, such as hormonal disorders, tumors or cancer of the uterus, disorders of platelet function, miscarriage or due to birth control that is being used.
  • Menstrual blood too

  • Little menstruation can be caused by many things. Could be due to puberty, menopause, pregnancy, stress, underweight, consumption of certain birth control pills, to medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). If you experience minimal menstruation accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain during menstruation, bleeding between menstrual cycles, irregular periods, or no menstruation for 3 months, you should immediately see a doctor. This could be a sign of a certain disease.
  • Menstrual blood is black

  • Normally, black menstrual blood will occur at the beginning or end of menstruation. However, black menstrual blood can also be caused by certain medical conditions, such as miscarriage, pregnancy, or pelvic inflammatory disease. Even in rare cases, bleeding with a blackish red color can be a sign of cancer. Especially if bleeding like this occurs between menstrual cycles or after intercourse. It is advisable to immediately see a doctor if you experience these symptoms, especially if followed by other symptoms, such as weight loss, fatigue, pelvic pain, or difficulty defecating and small.
Paying attention to the menstrual cycle and the changes that occur in menstrual blood are important for every woman. If there are abnormal changes in the menstrual cycle and menstrual blood, consult a doctor immediately. This will make handling to overcome these conditions more quickly.


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