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Learn How to Care for Diabetes Feet Right

Diabetes often causes complications in the form of ulcers in the legs. If diabetes foot care is not done properly, these ulcers will get worse quickly due to poor blood circulation. Therefore, diabetics need to really understand how to treat feet and ulcers in the legs. Handling by a doctor needs to be done when ulcers appear or just sores on the feet of diabetics. If left unchecked, ulcers can spread and cause damage to tissue and bone, so the patient needs to undergo amputation. Not only after ulcers arise, diabetes foot care also needs to be done even though there are no injuries to the feet. The aim is to prevent the emergence of wounds that are difficult to heal and have the potential to become ulcers. Proper Diabetes Foot Care For diabetics, caring for the feet is very important to prevent ulcers. There are some foot care tips that diabetics need to know, namely: 1. Check the condition of the foot every day The feet of diabetics need to be examined once a day to see any a...
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Recognize the Benefits of Circumcision and Conditions to Watch Out for

Circumcision is a surgical removal of the skin that covers the tip of the penis (foreskin). This procedure is common in boys, especially boys in countries where the majority of the population is Muslim or Jewish. In addition to carrying out religious orders, circumcision also has many advantages in terms of health. One of them is to keep the penis clean. Check out the explanation below to find out the other benefits of circumcision. Benefits of Circumcision Although not free from risk, circumcision is known to have far greater benefits than the risk. The benefits of circumcision are: 1. It's easier to clean the penis Between the foreskin with the tip of the penis often attached to the dirt called smegma. Smegma contains mucus, dead skin cells, and bacteria that can cause inflammation and increase the risk of penile cancer. After being circumcised, the penis will automatically be easier to clean. 2. Prevent urinary tract infections Although it is more common in women, urin...

Recognize Menstrual Blood and Accompanying Diseases

Not just dirty blood that is discharged every month, menstrual blood can also reflect a woman's health condition. In certain conditions, menstrual blood can be a sign of the possibility of disease in your body. Menstrual blood that comes out during menstruation has a color that varies from one cycle to another. Even in the same cycle, menstrual blood can have a different color. Getting to know menstrual blood further Not only the amount of menstrual blood, throughout the menstrual cycle, the color and consistency of blood that comes out may change. On the first day of menstruation, menstrual blood that comes out will be quite a lot. Not infrequently, you experience a blood clot discharge with a deep red color or even blackish red. This is actually a natural thing. Blood clots that occur are menstrual blood that does not have enough time to be diluted by the body's natural anticoagulants, which are elements responsible for thinning menstrual blood or preventing blood clot...