Diabetes often causes complications in the form of ulcers in the legs. If diabetes foot care is not done properly, these ulcers will get worse quickly due to poor blood circulation. Therefore, diabetics need to really understand how to treat feet and ulcers in the legs. Handling by a doctor needs to be done when ulcers appear or just sores on the feet of diabetics. If left unchecked, ulcers can spread and cause damage to tissue and bone, so the patient needs to undergo amputation. Not only after ulcers arise, diabetes foot care also needs to be done even though there are no injuries to the feet. The aim is to prevent the emergence of wounds that are difficult to heal and have the potential to become ulcers. Proper Diabetes Foot Care For diabetics, caring for the feet is very important to prevent ulcers. There are some foot care tips that diabetics need to know, namely: 1. Check the condition of the foot every day The feet of diabetics need to be examined once a day to see any a...